Friday, November 28, 2008
Why the circus should be banned
I find circus's disturbing. I don't like the fact that the animals invovled with circus's are often doped up with tranquilisers before they are sent out to entertain you. I think that if people want to be entertained by animals they should go play fetch with their dog or the neighbours dog. I would also like to say that slavery was abolished in 1833 by the british and in 1862 by the americans yet animals are still in capivity under slave like treatment. Please don't get me started on zoo's if it wasn't for dam poachers the animals would still be in the wild in environments that they are able to adapt to. I would also like to point out that people complain about how people eat cows meat i say to them do they use toilet paper that has been cut out of a tree. Are they also aware that there are schemes in place to replant a tree for every one that is cut down. I would also like to say there is a similar thing with cows.
Friday, October 17, 2008
the idiots guide to fighting terrorism
I have decided to compile a list on how to fight "terrorists"
.Firstly we need to define terrorists
In this blog the definition of terrorist is "Some one regardless of race or sex who uses fear and destruction to satisfy there ego or send a message"
.You need to win the hearts and minds of any one who due to various factors falls into the catergory of potential terrorist recruit
.You need to use diplomatic measures to ensure you win the "Hearts and Minds"of any potential terrorist
.You need to show how the various religions can co-exist or just ban ever religion
.Firstly we need to define terrorists
In this blog the definition of terrorist is "Some one regardless of race or sex who uses fear and destruction to satisfy there ego or send a message"
.You need to win the hearts and minds of any one who due to various factors falls into the catergory of potential terrorist recruit
.You need to use diplomatic measures to ensure you win the "Hearts and Minds"of any potential terrorist
.You need to show how the various religions can co-exist or just ban ever religion
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What is wrong with the world
Ever day we hear of another story that makes us question the moral and ethics of humanity. WHAT MORALS AND ETHICS???i hear you say well there are a few of us that live with our felling at the forefront of what we do in our day to day lives. Here is a list of certain things that we do in our day to day lives that are moralistic
>Give up our seat for a less able person
>Open the door for the person behind us
>Stand up for people that are disadvantaged
>treat other people with respect
>honour our chosen person wer believe in
So the next time you question humanity remember there is always people out there that haven't been curropted yet.Likes angels for instance
>Give up our seat for a less able person
>Open the door for the person behind us
>Stand up for people that are disadvantaged
>treat other people with respect
>honour our chosen person wer believe in
So the next time you question humanity remember there is always people out there that haven't been curropted yet.Likes angels for instance
best politicans
i am compiling a list of the best politicans in the house of representatives.Here is the list
.Julia Gillard
.Kevin Rudd
.Peter Costello
The rest of the politicans are all shit house.
.Julia Gillard
.Kevin Rudd
.Peter Costello
The rest of the politicans are all shit house.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Why uneducated people piss me off
The uneducated people of this world really tick me off. They whinge and moan about every thing under neath the sun when they know nothing. I recently met a man who said his claim to fame was getting drunk every day and bashing up any one that looks at him wrong. I asked him if he ever had a job to which he replied nah thats what centre links for. I asked him who he voted for to which he replied that bloke with the classes. Please mr idiot refain from voting again because you are a complete arse and are a waste of space you are using valueable oxygen that some one else could be using.
News story

Sources say that they are here for the Aztec gold burried somewhere in downtown Sydney.
All we can say is lock yee children in at night fot the pirate crew will give yee a fright
Stay away from the Aztec gold or face me if yee be bold.
This is Tim cheslett reporting on nothing important.
Hello Mitch I am going to write you a poem about politicians
Politicians are loud roudy obnoxious and rude
They have been cought on camera swearing and nude
They make promises to us that they can't keep
Also going around sniffing peoples seats.
This was all at the hands of the liberal party
Beinging real stupid and not a real smarty
He was forced to say sorry fot the trouble he caused
But with a sigh and a lie and then a cry he paused
And like every politician lied through his teeth
But wait for the emotion ans shame that lies underneeth
This moronic Liberal Politician.
Politicians are loud roudy obnoxious and rude
They have been cought on camera swearing and nude
They make promises to us that they can't keep
Also going around sniffing peoples seats.
This was all at the hands of the liberal party
Beinging real stupid and not a real smarty
He was forced to say sorry fot the trouble he caused
But with a sigh and a lie and then a cry he paused
And like every politician lied through his teeth
But wait for the emotion ans shame that lies underneeth
This moronic Liberal Politician.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The joys of a capilist society
Oh how lucky we are in Australia.We do not have an political turmoil.We do not have a military dependant government.We have a mining boom that could support the rest of the country.We also have a country that has been plundered that many times i surprised there is anything left.I mean look at McDonalds American owed half of Queensland is owned by Asian countries.Australia's claim to fame is dick smith,s a truly Australian company.Some may argue that it is good that Australia respond to foreign investment but when foreign investment out ways country owed companies then we have a problem.
Soccer is good for australia
I am quite liking the socceroos accomplishments so far in this world cup qualifiers.On the return trips to australia they are not only promoting australia as a tuorist destination but also promoting the a leauge.Although there is always going to be the arguement that there is to much money in sports but at least it is giving money back to the community
What is wrong politics
I am concerned with the bias shown in Parliament.The speaker is so pro labour he makes mark Latham look like a liberal.I think it is time that the governor general is made the speaker of the house or even better a individual with no political preference is appointed.This is what is meant to happen but it is obvious that a mistake has been made so we need to rectify the situation.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I finally agree with k rudd
I am going to swallow my pride and admit that kevin rudd is going in the right direction particually in the nuclear disarmerment of countries.However why is it so that the only countries that are allowed nuclear arms is france,america,britian,australia and china.I believe that no country should have any nuclear weapons because they only lead to political tension.I also have to congratulate the north korean government who seem likely to go along with the australian lead push to ban nuclear weapons.I alos think it is ironic that at the end of hids reign george bush is finally making sense.He is going on a farewell trip to europe where he is going to raise concerns about the world food shortage and the political unress in zimbabwae.It seems like all the worlds leaders are finally seeing the light and are acting on bringing there countries into a hopefully more peaceful 21st centuary.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Hello this is just another bitch blog.This time Goerge Bush is in my sight.Now what can i possible have agianst Old goeorgie boy you ask well i say what isn't wrong with that dickhead.He robbed Al gore who if you ask me would have been the best ever american president.Also he is an illeterate bumbling idiot.
Hello now i have your attention
I have uncovered a terrible ploy by the government,this ploy is aimed at making complete idiots intellegent.This ploy is called school.Complete idiots have no idea how school is brainwashing children to become model citizens.We need to follow the manta first though of by pink floyd when they said we dont need no education.Dont believe everything you read including this blog
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The dis-sastisfying taste of Fundamentalism
I noticed a trend recently of a small group of people, not pointing fingers but they are normally rich, and white, and they seem to be controlling the majority of politicinas in this country, also not pointing any fingers but they are nearly always Christian, fundamentalist and friends with Fred Nile. It is unfortunate that the politicians of this country and in a bigger sense, America and the UK must tailor their political agendas to fit in a with a group of people who hold an enormous amount of power. Whatever happened to Democracy, you know, that word that means people power, it does NOT mean Person Power, but in the modern world that is what we're seeing. One or two people controlling the agendas of the masses through fear and lies. Bible in one hand, consititution in the other, nothing but hate spewing from their mouths, what a sad world. Fix it.
Friday, May 23, 2008
we need to fight
Well we are currently having an epidemic of awful bands playing in the once peaceful libary.If the band currently playing in our libary ever produce a cd it would only be good as a book end or a coaster to hold a cup of tea on.I suggest that we sing at the top of our voice to help the poor unfortunate sods that have to look like they are enjoying the "music".Then hopefully a crowd would assemble around us.We could then be able to tell them our political agenda so the day would not be lost.
Hello Mitch here is a poem
Music in the library boy i cant think
inffernal noise give me a drink
Its becoming hard to do the task at hand
Hearing that shocking band
plus i think their guitars are plastic
Also there ruining a classic
Music in the library boy i cant think
inffernal noise give me a drink
Its becoming hard to do the task at hand
Hearing that shocking band
plus i think their guitars are plastic
Also there ruining a classic
Friday, April 11, 2008
We need better politicans
How many times have you heard some one say that all of the politicans are tarded with the same brush.Countless times im sure .But still the tarded people run our country.How can any person who votes whine about the politicans when they are the idiots that voted for them in the first place.For example the last election kevin rudd won by a landslide(blame yourselves not me) And yet people still whine about what he is or more importantly what he is not doing.Surely we should have learnt our lessons from mistakes in the past that we should not go along with what the majority feels and make up our own mind based on what we have learnt not what we have been told we have learnt.
Friday, February 22, 2008
when to belive the government
when to believe the government is a question that has been asked many times but never answered. The real answer is never because they are a bunch of caniving !@#*. However there is ocasions when they do talk the truth particuarly when they are behind closed doors and bitching with there fellow party members.I believe that we should be able to hear what they say behind closed doors but unfortuantly i am only a single person and do not really have much say.So i need ever one who reads this blog to sign a pendition which will be sent to the government please help me to ensure a fair and just australia
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